16th March
Today we were supposed to pick up luggage, from the 8.15am plane in from Nadi, for a passenger on the dive boat Aggressor.
Well, the plane finally arrived at 9.45am, all the luggage was unloaded, but the bag we were waiting for just wasn't there, someone had forgotten to load it!!
Home again, & after lots of phone calls, was told it was on the 2.00pm plane.
Back to the airport at 2.00, wait & wait, finally at 2.45 the plane lands, a few passengers & luggage are unloaded, & yes, the bag is there this time.
There is a mad dash to the boat, to get away as quickly as possible, as there is a thunder & rain storm approaching.
The trip isn't too bad, we go through the storm, but it is just rain, & after it passed, the sea isn't too bad.
We reached Namena Island after a 90 minute journey, & find Aggressor anchored off the south passage, it doesn't take us long to get alongside, transfer the bag & head back home.
Our plan to fish on the way back, was cut short with the long delay, & it is only a hour until sunset, so decided to do a quick pass over the sea mount on the way home.
Nothing much was working so didn't waste too much time, we got 3 skipjack tuna & headed home.