Set out this morning just a little after 7.00am, seas were nice & calm, but looked like we could be heading into some rain.
About a hour into the charter, we had a couple of small yellowfin & 1 skipjack tuna on board, then it went dead.
After half a hour looking around & seeing nothing, we moved to another spot.
Soon we saw birds working, & as we reached the spot we had a double hook up, while Mike & Terry were working the rods, I saw 4 more Mahimahi jump out of the water, & swim right across the lines.
Mike lost his fish just at the boat, so Terry gave him, his fish, then tried to sort out the lines.
Fish in the boat & lines untangled, we set out again, we had 3 more in the boat in a little while but also loosing a few.
In the distance I spotted a good work up, it took a while to reach as they were moving really fast.
It was worth it, as Mike landed a nice 8 & 10kg Albacore.
Now it was time to head home, Mike had had too much Kava at the resort last night, so wasn't feeling too well.
On the way home we lost another Mahimahi just at the boat, & landed another.
We came home with 5 Mahimahi, 2 Yellowfin, 1 Skippy, & 2 Albacore.
A good days fishing.