Thursday, July 25, 2024



It is with a heavy heart we have to announce that we have sold Searov.

She is still in Savusavu so hopefully she will soon be back out there on the water to continue her new adventure.

We take this opponunity to thank all the friends we have made over the 29 years of being in Savusavu, and also to the many customers who have supported us over those years.

Thank you all for helping us live & experience the many wonderful memories over those years.

Terry & Trevina.

Friday, July 1, 2022

Thanks Gary

 One of our best retutning customers & friend Gary, visited our shores again last month.

Sorry we weren't able to take you out fishing on this occasion, but hopefully we will on your next visit

Here are some of the memories we have of you, since your first visit in 2013.



Hope you and Viki had a safe return home, all the best, and our thanks .

Monday, November 2, 2020

25 Years Today, Fishing Out Of Savusavu

 It is 25 years today since we arrived into Savusavu to commence business in this little town, I say little town because it was, in 1995. 

When we arrived we were the only game fishing boat here, a few days after arriving Joan Moody from Namena Island Resort approached us & asked if we could do the transfers of her guests to and from the Island.

As we hadn't established ourselves yet' this was a great way to earn some Income to tie us over.

This partnership lasted over 10 years, we also took people over to Koro Island for David Miller who was selling freehold plots of land to overseas buyers.

On days we weren't doing Island transfers we did game fishing for resorts like Cousteau , Namale. Koro Sun & Lolomalangi. This was a fun time for us as there were a abundance of fish, & we could guarantee we would catch fish.  When the long liners started to come in this quickly changed.

During our 25 years we have met a lot of interesting people, Had a lot of fun & caught a lot of fish. With Covid we aren't sure of the future, Searov is up on the hard & Terry is doing maintenance on her so it will be a waiting gamefor us like a lot of people around the world.


                                        Our youngest angler 10 years old

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Farewell Old Friend Robin Irwin.


This was taken a few weeks ago on the last visit to Matuku Bay with Robin Irwin.

It is a sad day for us having to say farewell to Robin who passed away yesterday morning in Labasa hospital.

Robin was a great friend to both of us, he was one of the people that helped us get approval for setting up our business  in Savusavu,  in 1995. He went out of his way to help it happen. 

 Once again, thanks for all the help & friendship you gave us over all these years, RIP Robin, you can rest now.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Beautiful Day Out On The Water

It's been a while since we have been out as Terry has been busy painting the boat & we have had 2 cyclones pass by already this season.
The seas were nice & calm as we headed out, but there was nothing to be seen as we made our way to one of the sea mounts, after a couple of hours we decided to try the other sea mount as this one was dead.

As we got closer to the other mount we could finally see birds & signs of fish!
Soon there were big Yellow Fin heading our way jumping out of the water.

Bang the first line goes off, Terry grabs it & tries to take it out of the holder as another line goes off, I come down to try & help but the other 2 lines go off so had to climb back up to keep the boat straight.

Soon one line snaps taking line & lure with it, not long after the other 2 lines go slack.
Terry finally manages to bring the remaining fish on board so we at least have lunch. We saw the school now working away from us, but as soon as we reached the spot, they are gone.

We slowly made our way home & picked up a nice barracuda on the way home, this is great as barracuda are nice eating in Fiji.  Saw nothing else so were really lucky to get at least the one Yellow fin.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Relaxing Day

We lost a few charters when Cyclone Tino came to visit us last week. fortunately it didn't do too much damage as she sailed pass us!

This morning we were able to take a couple across the bay to one of our favourite spots. It was a nice relaxing day for all of us.

As we motored back up Nakama creek the dredge was busy dredging all the area between Nawi Island & the navigation channel for the company that own Nawai Island.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Beautiful Savusavu Day

Gosh didn't realise it has been months since my last entry.

Haven't done much fishing as we had the haul out in June, that took a couple of months, then we had cleaning up.

After so long being up it took its toll  on all the paint, so now more work to make her look loved again!

Decided to take her out yesterday just to give the engines a good run after being on the hard for so long, it was a beautiful morning as we left the Copra Shed Marina, we headed out to the seamount to see if anything was working?

About 10 mins after the lines were in the water we had our first double strike, got the first yellow fin tuna in then to the other line, all of a sudden it went screaming out then snap. A shark had taken the tuna, lure & line.

All lines out again & so headed to where the birds were working, wasn't long before the line went screaming out again, I had to rush down to help Terry to bring in the other lines so as not to cause a tangle.

Terry played it for about 10mins then knew it was a shark, after another 5mins he had it to the boat but all of a sudden the shark found new energy & took off again braking the line with the lure still in its mouth.

That was enough having lost 2 good lures we decided to go back home, we had lunch & the engines had a good run so it was a good day.

On the way home we ran into a large pod of pilot whales, such a wonderful sight to see these huge creatures swim so gracefully through the ocean, some getting so close to the boat I could almost touch them, unfortunately  I missed those shots.