After weeks of beautiful sunshine, we had a low form above us.
This brought us a lot of rain, & a few hours of strong winds, but nothing really to complain about.
For us people that depend on rain to fill our water tanks, for our water supply, it was something we were waiting on, as the tanks were getting low.
The gardens also needed a good watering, so now we are all happy.
Today we have the sunshine back, & everything looks so much greener.
Fishing hasn't been too good, think it is still too hot for this time of the year, we had 32 degrees last week, that is more our summer temperature.
The local fisherman that spend all night out, are catching some good fish, so maybe we will have to do that.
They sit out there in their little boats before sunset, & fish all night, coming back in with their catch after sunrise. Last night was a beautiful night so maybe there will be a lot of fresh fish in the market.
We caught a nice 16kg Wahoo a couple of weeks ago, the couple who charted us gave us most of the fish as they were leaving the next day, it made some lovely meals!